Geprinte elektronica voor de gezondheidszorg
De afgelopen jaren is de belangstelling voor geprinte elektronica enorm toegenomen. Dat heeft twee oorzaken: het zorgt niet alleen voor nieuwe mogelijkheden, maar heeft ook eigenschappen, zoals flexibiliteit en rekbaarheid, die die mogelijkheden zelfs nog uitbreiden....The possibilities and the diversity of printed electronics in the automotive industry
Capacitive touch controls and in-mould electronics for automotive applications Quad Industries from Belgium designs and produces versatile and robust capacitive touch sensors and in-mold electronics (IME) that are specifically designed for automotive applications. The...Smart Health Patches to Run Smart
Pretty soon, runners will be able to analyze their running technique in a way they have never been able to do before. Dutch start-up ATO-gear has teamed up with Quad Industries to develop a printed pressure-sensitive insole that tracks every movement of the runner’s foot.
Enabling the Internet of Things
allóra Factory has created a range of sensors for tracking a wide variety of parameters, from the temperature in supermarket freezers all the way to attendance levels in offices. They recently teamed up with Quad Industries to develop a push-button sensor.
“Co-development is key to unleashing the vast potential of printed electronics”
Printed electronics represents an enormous potential in a world of interconnected appliances. But there is still a large gap between the technology that is available and the potential for real-life applications. “That’s why we are focusing so strongly on intensive collaboration with our customers,” says Wim Christiaens, R&D director at Quad Industries.